Volunteer - San Francisco Village


Volunteers Are at the Heart of Our Community

San Francisco Village is an intergenerational community that brings younger volunteers together with older members to learn from and care for each other. Before COVID 19, volunteers of all ages responded to members’ requests for help with a ride to a medical appointment, assistance with laundry or grocery shopping, technology troubleshooting, or a friendly conversation.

Since sheltering-in-place began in March 2020, we have onboarded more than 100 Millennial volunteers eager to support their older neighbors who are at higher risk of infection. It’s a humanitarian response motivated by empathy and civic love. A testimonial to the character of younger generations who understand that we’re all connected, and our future depends on working together.

If you’re over 18 and would like to make a meaningful difference in the life of an older person, please complete the brief questionnaire below. We will follow up with an email and next steps. Be prepared to gain more than you give!

Corporate Volunteer Groups- We welcome volunteer groups for a one-time Day of Service opportunity! For this volunteer event, we work with groups of up to 20 volunteers, which are then organized into teams of 2-3 people. These smaller teams are sent to our members’ homes in San Francisco to assist with projects lasting 3-4 hours. Some of the past Days of Service activities include deep cleaning, organizing, gardening, and tech support. Wonderful connections are made during this special day and much is accomplished! If your team is interested in volunteering for a San Francisco Village Day of Service please email Jill Ellefsen at jill@sfvillage.org

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“San Francisco Village is just the right blend of community engagement and volunteer opportunities I was looking for. A total win-win…”


SFV Volunteer